Applicants must be a graduate of a high school located Pictou, Antigonish, Guysborough, Inverness, Richmond, Victoria and Cape Breton counties in Nova Scotia and a permanent resident or citizen of Canada.

Applicants must be accepted into a full time undergraduate degree program at an accredited university in Canada.

Applicants must demonstrate some indication of leadership qualities in their communities.

Application and Selection Process:
Applicants must fill out an application

Applicants must provide a letter outlining their community involvement/extra curricular activities and why they should receive this scholarship (one page maximum).

Applicants must provide two reference letters including one from their school (principal, guidance counselor or teacher), and one other reference. Reference letters should detail the student’s personal character, their leadership ability and why they feel the applicant should be awarded the scholarship.

Applicants must provide a transcript of their Grade 11 Marks and Dec/Jan Marks for Grade 12. (Please ask at your school office about this. We are not looking for a report card but what is sometimes called an “in progress” transcript).

Applications may be submitted online at

or sent by mail to:

The Northern Nova Scotia Foundation
P.O. Box 1178
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2L6

Please submit any questions to:

Deadline for Applications is March 31, 2024.

The applications will be reviewed and recipients selected by the Trustees of the Northern Nova Scotia Foundation.

Applications for 2025 Scholarships are now open. If you have questions not covered by the FAQ and Application Forms please email